It’s been shown that caring for a pet can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. They give unconditional love and make people feel less isolated, particularly during this time of social distancing. They also thrive on routine — how many times has your pet reminded you to stick with their regular feeding schedule or that it is time for a walk?
And, that’s under normal circumstances. During these difficult times, pets of all species are proving to “holding down the fort” by providing us with companionship, consistency, and even joy.
Pets also can be motivators for exercising. In a study, it was found that “most dog owners spend close to 300 minutes each week walking them. That’s on average, about 200 more minutes of walking than people without dogs.” (Source: scientists from the University of Liverpool)
“Sandy has truly been my emotional support animal during this time,” says client Nancy. “I don’t know what I would do without her. Our long walks have been my saving grace.”
For me, Maya‘s has been my constant companionship while working at home. She forces me to stop work a couple of times during the day to play, talk or walk. This provides me a necessary break from constant work and helps me think better, gain perspective, and more efficient.
For this newsletter, I am delighted that so many of my clients have sent me photos of their companions. It’s a great honor to share them with you. For upcoming newsletters, email me a picture of your pet. All species are welcome. Send to: [email protected]
Enjoy the collage of these furry friends. Pictured from top left to bottom right includes Stella, Mister Jones, Baylee & Beau, Cleopatra, Maya, Lyla, Noodles, and Sandy.